Random Hacks

Friday, May 05, 2006

Test JS

If you've wondered how the other sex experiences an orgasm try
this Orgasmic Simulator

Understand how a man experiences an orgasm:

Understand how a woman experiences pleasure

Friday, April 21, 2006

Window Effect

Click Here

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Code Style in HTML

 74:function pricingAssistInit()
 76:    var reqHdr = document.getElementById('hiddenReqHdr').innerText;
 77:    var outstation = document.getElementById('hiddenOutstation').innerText;
 78:    var reqDate = document.getElementById('hiddenReqDate').innerText;
 80:    var target = "?control=direction_summary";
 81:    target += "&reqHdr=" + reqHdr
 82:           + "&outstation=" + outstation
 83:           + "&reqDate=" + reqDate;
 84:    document.frames['direction_summary_frame'].location.replace(target);
 86:    // disable the PNR generation if it is not allowed for this request
 87:    if ( isPnrGenAllowed() == 0 )
 88:    {
 89:        disableButton('confirm');
 90:        disableButton('approve');
 91:    }
 93:    // disable the reject button if the request is created through the UI
 94:    var requestSource = document.getElementById('hiddenRequestSource').inne
 95:    if (requestSource == 3)
 96:    {
 97:        disableButton("rejectButton");
 98:    }
 99:    else
100:    {
101:        enableButton("rejectButton");
102:    }

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Insert Extra Javascripts

Stupid ass! Shake it baby

Roll it up baby!

Roll it down baby!

Testing 1 2 3

Click Here